Wakefield Elementary sixth graders Lillian Escobar and Jacqueline Vazquez were selected as this month’s Turlock Unified School District’s Character Counts Students of the Month for the character trait of trustworthiness.
Lillian is in Mr. Valia’s class. Her parents are Carol and Mike Armstrong and she has a brother, Alex who is in eighth-grade at Dutcher Middle School.
She gave an inspiration at last Tuesday’s TUSD Board of Trustees meeting. She was selected for this honor because she models behaviors that are taught daily within Wakefield’s character education program.
“Despite any obstacle placed in her path, she perseveres and does it with a smile,” said Principal Shellie Santos. “She is well liked by all and a leader on campus.”
The young lady is active in Wakefield student council and serves as rally commissioner.
She says she lives by the famous quote from Abraham Lincoln, “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.”
An example of this is how she picks up trash to help out the custodial staff or helping a friend in need.
Jacqueline, known as Jackie, is known as a hard-working student who has positive character. She is Wakefield’s Student Body President and leads the flag salute every Monday at the school’s morning assembly.
Jackie is in Mr. Manley’s class and her parents are Claudia Pereyra and Lucio Vazquez. She has a sister in first-grade, Andrea.
“Jackie is always eager to help a classmate or teacher,” said Santos.
In her free time she enjoys all types of sports and her goal when she grows up is to be a professional athlete or a chef.