The Turlock Unified School District Board of Trustees will hold a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Professional Development Center, located at 1100 Cahill Ave.
The meeting will begin with an inspiration from Turlock High School senior Adam Volk, the TUSD Character Counts award recipient for the character trait of “responsibility.”
The Board will honor TUSD employee Vernon Storment for his dedicated service for the past 26 years.
At approximately 7:02 p.m. there will be a period for public comment.
On the consent calendar the Board will accept donations in the amount of $1,000 from the Stanislaus Sheriff’s K-9 Association for the THS FFA, $1,229 from Zoetis for the THS FFA, $500 from Nancy Hamaguchi for the THS boys soccer team and $750 from Superintendent Sonny Da Marto to purchase a HP Pavillion PC for an elementary classroom.
Following the consent calendar, the Board will receive an update on the Common Core Implementation Plan, the Workforce Investment Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Grant Award, and lastly an update from the Technology Department on upgrades progress.
Adjournment is scheduled for 7:50 p.m.