Turlock City Council plans to approve a residential permit parking zone, authorize an agreement including the Cities of Turlock, Modesto, and Ceres Fire Departments and Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District to provide automatic aid in the case of a major fire, and continue labor negotiations involving the City Manager and City Attorney in closed session Tuesday.
The California State University, Stanislaus Warriors Golf team will be provided recognition by Council for being the 2014 California Collegiate Athletic Association Tournament Champions. Turlock’s Fourth of July Celebration that took place Downtown will also be recognized. Director of Alliance Small Business Development Center, Kurtis Clark, will also make a presentation of the Stanislaus Innovation Challenge.
In public hearings, the Council will hear a request by Director of Development Services and City Engineer Mike Pitcock to establish a Residential Permit Parking Zone along Garden Lane and Garden Court, to include portions of Pedras Road adjacent to 901 Pedras Road and 2001 Garden Lane on the north side of the street, every day between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
The recommended action on the agenda is for the Council to establish the Residential Permit Parking Zone along Garden Lane and Garden Court.
The Council will also look at several motions regarding construction costs around the City on the consent calendar, including:
- Item C accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,750 (Fund 215) for City Project No. 11-48, "Intersection Improvements at Golden State Boulevard and Del's Lane," bringing the contract total to $371,074.
- Item D1, approving Contract Change Order No. 2 (Final) in the amount of $6,572.81 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 13-25B, "Public Safety Training Facility Utilities and Site Improvements," bringing the contract total to $119,624.58.
- Item D2, accepting improvements for City Project No. 13-25B, "Public Safety Training Facility Utilities and Site Improvements," and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion.
- Item E1, approving Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) in the amount of $1,493.69 (Fund 217) for City Project No. 13-48, "Roadway Widening at 1338 and 1344 East Avenue," bringing the contract total to $53,159.69
- Item E2, accepting improvements for City Project No. 13-48, "Roadway Widening at 1338 and 1344 East Avenue," and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion.
- Item J, authorizing a blanket Out-of-Boundary Service Agreement for water services for property located within an unincorporated island of Stanislaus County, outside of City limits.
- Item K, authorizing the City Manager or his designee to enter into an agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Stormwater Quality Partnership for the purposes of coordinating cooperative public outreach and education objectives outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
Scheduled matters will include a request by Assistant to the City Manager for Housing and Economic Development Maryn Pitt to approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Stanislaus County for the contract and development of a Regional Consolidated Plan for 2015-2020, a 2015 Annual Action Plan and an updated Assessment of Impediments to Fair Housing, and authorize the City Manager to execute all related documents to this cooperative project.
The Council plans on approving an MOU, a 2015 Annual Action Plan and an updated Assessment of Impediments to Fair Housing, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the project.
There will then be a request by Turlock Fire Chief Tim Lohman to authorize the City Manager to sign a tentative agreement between the City of Turlock Fire Department, City of Modesto Fire Department, City of Ceres Fire Department and Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District to provide automatic aid in the case of a major fire, disaster or other emergency. The recommended action on this item is to authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the four entities to provide automatic aid.
In closed session, the Council will discuss:
- Existing litigation in the case of Turlock Associated Police Officers (TAPO, the police union) vs. the City of Turlock.
- Conference with labor negotiators with agency negotiator Mayor John Lazar regarding unrepresented employees City Manager Roy Wasden and City Attorney Phaedra Norton.
- Conference with labor negotiators by agency negotiators Wasden and Dave Young, with employee organizations: TAPO, Turlock City Employee Association, Turlock Firefighters Association Local 2434, and Turlock Management Association- Public Safety, as well as unrepresented employees: Accountant, Sr., Assistant to the City Manager for Economic, Development/Community Housing, Community Housing Program Supervisor, Deputy Development Services Director/Planning, Development, Services Director/City Engineer, Development Services Supervisor/City Surveyor, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk, Finance Customer Service Supervisor, Fire Chief, Human Resources Analyst, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Technician, Legal Assistant, Municipal Services Director, Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Director, Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Superintendent, Payroll Coordinator, Principal Civil Engineer, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Secretary/Deputy City Clerk, Executive Administrative Assistant/Public Safety, Technical Services Manager, Utilities Manager, and Water Quality Control Division Manager.